Monday, November 14, 2011

Filipinos are dominating the world!

Illustration by: Roel Sibayan
by: Roel Sibayan

I am truly fascinated how good and amazing Filipinos are. I highlighted some remarkable top major achievements that sustains in uplifting Filipino people’s image globally.  These highlights created noise all over the world that Filipinos are indeed world class. Despite of having bad news involving crimes and corruption related issues that affects the image of our country, we cannot delete the negative publicity that were spread-out in CNN, Internet, and Social Media, that stuck in the mental reservoir of many people in foreign countries, still there are positive things that gained multiple “likes” (which listed below) that reverses these negative issues. Since we are in the month of eleven (11) in the year of eleven (2011), let us review 11 great achievements of 11 Filipinos in the current year alone.

1.     Philippine Dragon Boat team in USA, August 2011
2.     Ms. Universe 3rd runner-up Shamcey Supsup in Brazil,
September 2011                                                              
3.     Dr.Amado Gabriel Esteban first Filipino to serve as President of the prestigious Seton Hall University in New Jersey, USA. October 2011
4.     Nonito Donaire’s victory over Argentina’s Omar Narvaez, New York City. October 2011
5.     Lea Salonga’s Heritage Award in New York City, October 2011
6.     Michael Cinco, A Filipino Fashion Designer of America’s Next Top Model, April 2011
7.     Charice Pempengco’s concert with David Foster, Philip Bailey and Michael Bolton, November 2011
8.     Filipino Mathematics Wizard  winners in Mathematics International Competition (WIZMIC) in India, November 2011
9.     Manny Pacquiao’s victory over Marquez in Las Vegas, November 2011
10.   Puerto Princesa’s Underground River in New 7 Wonders of the World, November 2011
11.   Gwendolyn Ruais, Ms. World 1st Runner-up in London, October 2011.
We can actually contribute great achievements to the list above that will benefit not only ourselves but our community and country as well, as ordinary people, we can do our best in what we do as– employees, students, housewives, church workers, traffic enforcers, PUV drivers, writers, teachers, businessman, investor, self-employed, artist, garbage collectors, fish vendor, farmers, and so on and so forth. We don’t need to be as popular as Manny Pacquiao, Charice, or Lea Salonga to bring honour and goodness in our country. The greatest common denominator is, we have different roles in life, and every one of us can give a big contribution in our country in what we do through our talents or skills. The question is, is it good or bad?,.. The choice will always be ours.   

Illustration by: Roel Sibayan

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