Sunday, December 4, 2011


by: Roel Sibayan

Illustration by: Roel Sibayan
Brain is one of the most important vital organs in our body, for me it is an amazing built-in device in our head; it is our central processing unit (CPU), hard disk, or a super high-gig device that can record or stored many files, (memories) and retrievable at any time. It is the main control or command post of our body.  It is amazing to understand the basic functions of our brain. Experts in Neuroscience already determined the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which functions differently from each other. These findings were supported by many psychologists and book authors that explained the behaviour of the right-brain and the left-brain dominated persons. Right brain dominated are said to be the emotions or creative thinking part while the left is the control and analytical. But in general, they (should) work together hand-in-hand (control and creativity) in order to come-up with a brilliant output. Dr.David Rock - a CEO of Results coaching and author of the book Quiet Leadership explained how to help a person think to be able to arrive at their best insights without them realizing during the problems occur, this is a way of helping them think on their own solutions to their problems, rather than you think a solution for them, (It’s like helping a person in-trouble with his car’s engine by pushing the vehicle from behind in the middle of the road, and he himself will do the driving).  At this point, the brain is beginning to create new wire connections called dendrites that gather information for the neuron, this happen if a person is thinking for a solution to the problem. In 1883, Anatomist and artist Santiago Ramon y Cajal of Spain was first to discovered what neurons really do. He made an illustration in explaining; - his drawings changed the human understanding of the brain and nervous system. Previous studies also revealed information on how to boosts and sustain the brain or mental strength by protecting them, and some of the basics according to experts are; Regular exercise - this physical activity causes the release of feel good hormones or endorphins. In this activity, the brain will produced more of the important brain cell protein growth factor after exercise, increasing mental activity and memory. Adequate sleep may sounds like an old school for some, but this is one of the important in maintaining mental clarity and memory. On the other hand, Weight control is another important factor in protecting the brain, which research shown a strong link between obesity and cognitive with memory decline. Another one is Socialization - a person who has a lot of human interactions tend to do better both in terms of physical health and cognition according to study. Last is Eating fish and green leafy vegetables - this will reduced cognitive decline with aging. Research also shown that sugar is one of a cause of memory decline, blood supply to the dentate gyrus in the hippocampus, a portion engaged in memory formation, after a high sugar consumption resulting in a blood sugar spike which normally found out to diabetic persons. But did we know that there is an appropriate sugar that’s best for our brain? It is a sugar coming from the fruits - This made me realized and gave me better understanding and appreciation on the possible reason why our mighty creator provided Adam and Eve a variety of fruits to eat in the Garden of Eden based on Chapter 1:29 in the book of Genesis - “Then God said, Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;”  .There are no rice, bread, hamburger, pizza, fried chicken, etc. provided by God for them to eat, because the sugar content of the fruits are very good for the body and for the brain, and the sugar content of the fruits is absolutely different from the “processed sugar” packed that humans are consuming. God is really good in providing fruits for us to eat, and he is also the intelligent designer of the most amazing and incredible device in the world-the brain. So, let’s include eating fruits as number 5 on the tips mentioned above, and make it a habit every day. Drop-by in the supermarket or fruit vendor and buy a bunch of Apples today. :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Commercial airline with no flight-attendants and engine is being switched-off when the highest altitude is reached?

by: Roel Sibayan

Illustration by: Roel Sibayan
If you are a frequent traveller or a travel enthusiast, and had gone through many different places across the seven continents, around the world, I could say you’ve accomplished big percentage of your life’s achievements, which many of us dreamed of travelling and see different countries in the world. I believe you’ve already seen different cultures, and perhaps even learned from the vernacular of different nations. Of course, before you reached your desired places outside your home country, you need to take a transportation, the fastest mode of transportation,-an airplane. The commercial airplane in particular which most of the frequent travellers are dealing with, from the time of seat reservations all- the- way to the airplane boarding at the airport terminal ramp on the day of the departure flight. A couple of minutes after, here comes the cabin-crew announcements on the aircraft’s safety compliance; flight- attendants are checking every passenger’s seat-belts, hand-carried luggage, and other prohibited electronic devices or items. One of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) practices of the passenger cabin-crew is to perform the safety features of the aircraft, particularly the procedures on how to wear life-vest, oxygen mask, and proper evacuation during emergencies leading to the exit doors, and so on. All standard inflight services will be perform on the entire duration of the flight, until such time that the destination will be reach in a few minutes, and here comes an announcement again from the cabin-crew or pilots for landing preparation if the plane is already approaching the destination. These inflight scenarios are already common to travellers, and some were almost memorized the pilot and flight-steward’s spiels. According to news recently, a Singaporean family has already paid a booking reservation that cost $1Million for their flight for a commercial passenger airline, marking them as the first Asian family to fly with the said new airline, but it’s not just a usual commercial airline. One of the most amazing and innovative creation in the industrial and aviation sector will now give the world an opportunity to experience the place that we’ve never been before even in our dreams, the Space. Virgin Galactic now offers commercial flight to space, the venture is space tourism as they call it, but wait! Before you thought about having a ticket and seat reservation, think again. You cannot go to check-in counters of Chanqi airport in Singapore, Hong Kong International airport, Frankfurt airport in Germany, JFK airport in New York, or LAX. Virgin Galactic Spaceport America is located in the southern part dessert of New Mexico. Ticket cost starts at USD $200, 000.00 and a 10% refundable in-case you decided to cancel. With a million dollar costs, you get a chance to personally experience 50km to 90km above the Earth’s surface, it’s the 3rd atmosphere level Mesosphere, and if you are one of the passengers seating inside the cabin of the 60feet long and 8 seater capacity (6pax, 2 pilots) state of the art Space-Ship-Two, don’t be terrified if you heard the aircraft engine turned-off and every pax including you began to float from the seats, instead look outside your glass window and see for yourself, the planet Earth and the black, quiet surroundings are right next to your eyes. Don’t look for inflight meals, beverages, magazines, newspapers, and dancing flight-attendants, because those things will just going to float inside the cabin! (But what if somebody wants to use the lavatory and needs to pee?…)
But seriously, Virgin Galactic is incredible, it’s amazing! The aircraft vehicle Space-Ship-Two and its mother ship White-Knight–Two is one of the most awesome airplanes that I have seen in my life. I Congratulate Mr. George T. Whitesides – President and CEO and founder Sir Richard Branson and the entire team. More power! I wish them all the best and success in all their endeavors. I hope to find an opportunity to inquire if the company is open for Free-of-Charge (FOC) ticket for sponsorship in the future?:))

Monday, November 14, 2011

Filipinos are dominating the world!

Illustration by: Roel Sibayan
by: Roel Sibayan

I am truly fascinated how good and amazing Filipinos are. I highlighted some remarkable top major achievements that sustains in uplifting Filipino people’s image globally.  These highlights created noise all over the world that Filipinos are indeed world class. Despite of having bad news involving crimes and corruption related issues that affects the image of our country, we cannot delete the negative publicity that were spread-out in CNN, Internet, and Social Media, that stuck in the mental reservoir of many people in foreign countries, still there are positive things that gained multiple “likes” (which listed below) that reverses these negative issues. Since we are in the month of eleven (11) in the year of eleven (2011), let us review 11 great achievements of 11 Filipinos in the current year alone.

1.     Philippine Dragon Boat team in USA, August 2011
2.     Ms. Universe 3rd runner-up Shamcey Supsup in Brazil,
September 2011                                                              
3.     Dr.Amado Gabriel Esteban first Filipino to serve as President of the prestigious Seton Hall University in New Jersey, USA. October 2011
4.     Nonito Donaire’s victory over Argentina’s Omar Narvaez, New York City. October 2011
5.     Lea Salonga’s Heritage Award in New York City, October 2011
6.     Michael Cinco, A Filipino Fashion Designer of America’s Next Top Model, April 2011
7.     Charice Pempengco’s concert with David Foster, Philip Bailey and Michael Bolton, November 2011
8.     Filipino Mathematics Wizard  winners in Mathematics International Competition (WIZMIC) in India, November 2011
9.     Manny Pacquiao’s victory over Marquez in Las Vegas, November 2011
10.   Puerto Princesa’s Underground River in New 7 Wonders of the World, November 2011
11.   Gwendolyn Ruais, Ms. World 1st Runner-up in London, October 2011.
We can actually contribute great achievements to the list above that will benefit not only ourselves but our community and country as well, as ordinary people, we can do our best in what we do as– employees, students, housewives, church workers, traffic enforcers, PUV drivers, writers, teachers, businessman, investor, self-employed, artist, garbage collectors, fish vendor, farmers, and so on and so forth. We don’t need to be as popular as Manny Pacquiao, Charice, or Lea Salonga to bring honour and goodness in our country. The greatest common denominator is, we have different roles in life, and every one of us can give a big contribution in our country in what we do through our talents or skills. The question is, is it good or bad?,.. The choice will always be ours.   

Illustration by: Roel Sibayan