Sunday, January 22, 2012


by Roel Sibayan 
"Las Meninas" 1656 oil painting by: Diego Velazquez

Considering the 1656 master piece of Diego Velazquez “Las Meninas” provides many questions such  as - who is the real main subject of the painting?, is it the King and his wife, the eldest daughter Margaret Theresa or the painter himself? But looking on a different perspective will give another prospective answer to this question.  First, I would like to take into considerations that the painter used a mirror as clearly mentioned. The painting itself is only a reflection of the mirror from the eye view of Velazquez. If the painting shows that Velazquez is on the left side, and the maid of honours is on the right side, this means the original positioning of painter is on the right side if we are facing opposite to the mirror. But I don’t want to set aside the possibility that the painter also used a camera obscura to capture the very moment of the seen on the painting before he paints it, because the camera obscura already exist during the seventeen to eighteen century. In my analysis, an artist cannot paint the moving subjects such as the princess with the maid of honours. It is impossible to paint the moving subjects in one sitting, most especially if it is a multiple subjects, and at the same time, I don’t want to set aside the possibility that King Philip IV and his wife’s image on the background is not a mirror, but a painting as well. A strong light source coming on the viewer’s front view and right side view, since there is no artificial light on the ceiling, it seems like there is another door from the back of the other maid of honour who tries to play with her left feet with the dog. The person to the right rear standing is Don Jose Nieto Velazquez, in my belief that he already went inside and was about to come out as he already stepped up his right feet, and holds the curtain that blocks his way, because there is no need to hold the curtain if he is already inside the room or studio
The entire painting tells me that during those time, Diego Velazquez is much close to the royal people or family, it seems like the artist painter occupies a special position on the hierarchy starting from the King and Queen, the princess, and the maid of honours, all the way to the lower rank individuals. Beside on being the personal artist of the family, he works on the big room or studio within the facility of the King and Queen’s place in Madrid. In my speculation, there is an important function to be presided by the King and Queen, their daughter is on a preparation and being assisted by their maid of honours. The royal family wants to document or put the very important event on record, by converting it to a painting creates high value on the piece.
Foucault pointed out, that what is outside of the painting gives meaning to what is inside, therefore, the King and Queen according to him are the center of the scene as the entire representation is ordered. Foucault’s analysis probably true, in the study of the elements of composition, it is also important to determine the balance, in between the subject or object is a space that determines the distance between each other. With regards the Las Meninas painting, in my point-of-view, the three primary subjects as one category are in the center; King Philip IV, the Queen, the Princess, and Don Jose Nieto Velazquez whose about to come out holding the curtain, the three of them has three different specific areas, the King and Queen are in the mirror or “painting” with black frame, Don Jose Nieto Velazquez is at the center of the door frame, and the princess is surrounded by her maid of honours. Three different positions, but occupying the same positioning in the entire painting, which is the center of the composition.

Monday, January 2, 2012


by Roel Sibayan

The year 2012 - a Dragon year in Chinese calendar, another delightedness and excitement to people who are born in 1976, lucky year for them as they say, but what do us really mean by luck? What is our understanding about it? People has different opinions or interpretations, but in a more broad context, it is a circumstances of (human) life brought by fortune, beneficial or not, but as a whole, people’s perception can be categorized into two – those who believe, and those who are not. The term “luck or lucky” has been part of peoples communication for a long-period of time, In fact, until now, this word has been part of our common expressions such as – you’re lucky!, good luck!, you’re the next lucky winner!, better luck next time! And so on. Decades or centuries has passed, this word is already imbedded in people’s mental reservoir that transformed into a principle that many are driven with, e.g. placing a bet in a Lottery, and thinking that luck might be in-favor of them this time, or dropping entries in national contest’s drop- boxes trying their luck to win the price of latest model car. Relevant to this, there is also the concept of - Law of attraction, the positive and negative vibes, or more common term as vibrations - the element which is present in a form of aura. On the other hand, there is also what we known as karma,-  a law of consequences, just like vibrations, karma comes in a positive and negative- or good and bad karma, as belief said, it comes back to you if you’ve done either good or bad things in other person.
But, I strongly believe that everyone is the provider of their own luck, I prefer the word “Opportunity” than luck. If you’ve done something good - you’ve just created yourself an opportunity to receive goodness and blessings (positive vibrations or good karma) in your life, either in personal or professional. Going back to the example scenario above; if you placed your bet in a Lottery, or if you keep on sending your entries in a national contests means -  you’ve just provided an opportunity for yourself to become a multi-millionaire or instant winner of a brand new car, but if you’re not betting or providing raffle entries, and you keep on dreaming and saying that if you won, you will buy these and that!, help the orphans and the poor!, or do some charity works!, I don’t  think if luck is in-favor to you. This also applies in many aspects of people’s lives such as career, business, love, or parenting. In other words, - Luck requires great amount of hard-work, commitment, discipline, determination, honesty, productive habits, and proactive works in order to convert luck into opportunities. These paradigms will bring a huge amount of luck or opportunities in people’s life, even the Bible emphasized in II Thesalonians 3:10, our Lord Jesus Christ said that we should work to eat, those who don’t work (lazy) should not eat, and this is exactly telling us about the fruit of our labor. The Greek philosopher Sophocles said more than 2,000 years ago; “Heaven will never help the person who will NOT ACT.”
 Everybody is delighted to welcome and embrace the year 2012 Dragon year, but I believe, the real Dragon that exist is the Dragon WITHIN US, if we awaken it, it will blow flame – by delivering our promises in our selves of change for the New Year!, a self-reinvention, to become actively industrious, generous, understanding, hardworking, and responsible individuals, acquire new skills, new learning, become a newly motivated employee, or start a businesses, in order to gain good opportunities (or luck) in our life for the next (11) eleven-months of this New Year, this new mentality will repatriate many people from poverty in the long-run, and survey rates on people who are saying they are poor, hungry, or no-income will decrease. Crimes of stealing, cheating, or robbery will deteriorate. We are now in the Creative Age, therefore, we should be creative, - awake the Dragon within and start a new YOU! Happy New Year! And God bless us all!